ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida
ESCOLA JOC DE LA BOLA Education Lleida Lleida

Joc de la Bola is a center included in the school network of the Escola Nova 21 project from the 2017-2018 academic year.

An alliance of centers with an advanced educational project and which have in common four interconnected and interdependent axes :

EIX 1 . An educational purpose that responds to the current challenges. It involves a transformation and above all, updating the education system.

EIX 2. Empowering and relevant learning practices that allow you to develop your life project with dignity, sense and well-being.

EIX 3 . A competent and global assessment, not only from the cognitive, but also physical, emotional and social fields.

EIX 4 . An open and autonomous organization, capable of self-reflection and updating.

This network includes different models but all with a common horizon based on the four aforementioned axes.

The common horizon is working and sharing it from different aspects. Starting from the trainings that we make all the centers. In the periodic meetings with the colleagues of these same centers. Also with visits to centers that are at a more advanced moment of the process of educational improvement. Finally, in the work sessions of the driving commission as those that include the entire cloister of teachers.

Then, during the course 2017-2018 this educational framework was defined in a VISION OF CENTER that included the entire educational community (families, students, teachers, PASS). Dynamics were organized with the students, activities with the teachers' cloister, conferences and meetings with families and PASS, all in all, finished at a Closing ceremony. This included games, workshops, musical performances, ... A festive day, informative and thankful, for all the work done!

The current 2018-2019 course has begun the first steps to reach the CENTER VISION that we all built. To trace this path we follow a method of pedagogical improvement called : "SPIRAL OF INDAGATION ". This procedure helps us to identify, analyze, review and improve any aspect of our daily lives. Currently, we have begun in its application and we are putting it into practice in the field of mathematics .