Composition of the school
Early Childhood Education
I3: Marta Fornells and Begoña Juan
I4 : Jèssica Galià and Isabel Tornos
I5 : Adriana Márquez and Esther Ribes
Support teachers: Esteve Prior (EF) , Mònica Lacambra and Ariadna Seró (English), Rosa Boteller (SIAL), Yolanda Serrano (SIEI), Carolina Torrelles (SIEI Educator), Verònica Dolcet (I3 support) and Rut Riera (TEI)
Initial Cycle
First: M Alba Birbe and Maribel Lapena
Second: Olga Gabarroca and Ariadna Claravall
Support teachers: Montse Cabezuelo and Laia Prats (EE), Natàlia Santaliestra (SIEI-SIAL), Xènia Bujeda (English) and Belén López (Music)
Middle Cycle
Third: Montserrat Santacana and Noemí Perelló
Fourth: Elena Michans and Coloma Besolí
Support teachers: Núria Antillach (English), Adrià Bisen (E. Physics), Manel Guzmán (Support) and Eva Sales (SIEI)
Higher Cycle
Fifth: Mireia Massana and Laura Moreno
Sixth : Sara López and Gemma Brualla
Support teachers: Judith Forcada (RE), Tània Garcia (EE), Montse Fábregas (SIEI Educator) and Carme Cases (English and German).
Early Childhood Education: Rosa Boteller
Initial Cycle: Olga Gabarroca
Middle Cycle: Coloma Besolí
Higher Cycle: Mireia Massana
TAC: Natàlia Santaliestra
LIC: Laura Moreno
Occupational Risks: Maribel Lapena
COCOBE: Sara López
Management Team
Director: Carme Cases
Head of Studies: Adrià Bisen
Secretary: Belén López
Non-teaching staff
Special education assistants: Elvira Cantón, Mercè Arbellón, Núria Nadal, Magada, Chelo and Rebeca Rodríguez
Administrative assistant: Montse
Caretaker: Xavier Farré
AFA Secretary: Rosanna Català